Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Masters of Learning

The students are now masters of division! 

They can solve division problems by applying one of these strategies: repeated subtraction, drawing an array, or making equal groups. Our last week on division was spent discovering how it relates to multiplication and creating multiplication and division word problems.

One activity was rolling a die in a die -- it is just that, a die inside another die -- and drawing the number of circles represented by the outside number and drawing stars in each circle represented by the number inside. Then, a multiplication and division sentence was written. 

For example, when the dice was rolled a 3 showed on the outside and a 6 showed on the inside. 3 circles were drawn and 6 stars were drawn in each circle. The multiplication sentence, 6x3=18 and 3x6=18, is written along with the related division sentence, 18/6 = 3 and 18/3=6.

As a review before the test, students played spin and divide. Each pair was given a spinner with numbers, a whole sheet with quotients, and assigned a number to divide by (2, 5, 9, or 10). Each partner took a turn spinning to find a number, divided that number by their assigned number, and found the quotient. The quotient was covered with a chip and the first partner to cover 20 squares won.

This week we begin fractions and I can't wait to share our learning! To prepare, the students colored fraction strips so I can laminate them. They will cut them and use in future lessons.

We read chapters 4 - 6 in Ramona Quimby, Age 8

Our skill for the week was comparing and contrasting. To practice the skill before applying to the book, students compared (similarities) and contrasted (differences) an apple and an orange using a Venn diagram. Then, they again used a Venn diagram to compare and contrast themselves to their partner.

Venn Diagram

Finally, the students compared and contrasted the two sisters from the story ( Ramona and Beezus ).

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