Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Spelling Centers

Yesterday we started spelling centers. Students practiced their spelling words at one of the following centers:

Spelling City - fantastic website where you input the words that need to be reviewed and students play a game with them

Rainbow Words - students write word and choose 3 colors to rewrite them in

Magic Eraser - first the words are written with chalk on a black piece of construction paper. Then, the students take a q-tip and dip in water. Using the q-tip, students retrace the word making it disappear.

Whiteboard - words are written on whiteboard with dry erase markers. One color is used for vowels and another color used to write consonants.


  1. Do you introduce your spelling centers one at a time or do you give them all the options to choose from at the beginning? I am starting to incorporate spelling practice into our word work round of Daily 5, but I was undecided on how many options to introduce at a time.

  2. The 4 centers were introduced at the same time. Our 3rd graders did well remembering what was expected at each center. They are not given a choice, and assigned to a certain center each day. Our spelling centers are not part of Daily 5...yet. This is a quick, daily review.
    When we start Daily 5, I may only have 2 options for word work and see how that goes.
    Good luck :)


  3. Awesome, thanks. Keep me posted! I was thinking of making direction cards with pictures of examples. I thought maybe we would take one choice a day and practice during the launch.

  4. Love the Magic Eraser center! Sounds like fun!


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